
Antler honey with additives

Antler honey with additives

02 April 2019

Natural food product “Antler honey with additives”, containing only primordial natural ingredients - honey, Altai antlers, herbal and mineral supplements, preserves all the strength and harmony of nature, meets the recommendations of the Altai Vedunas - strengthens body and spirit, maintains health, a healthy mind and strong heart for a long life.

Dihydroquercetin - The Perfect Antioxidant

Dihydroquercetin - The Perfect Antioxidant

15 June 2018

DiHydroQuercetin - extracted from Siberian larch. Those. 100% natural product! About his proven SCIENTIFIC-pharmacological properties described in this article.

Badger fat is not a medicine, but helps!

Badger fat is not a medicine, but helps!

22 August 2017

From ancient times, people had knowledge of how beneficial badger fat is and how it can be used. In anticipation of the onset of winter, they hunted badgers to get this valuable fat. In those days, colds and rheumatic complications associated with them, carried a serious threat to life, and badger fat can work wonders.

Altai maral

Altai maral

11 April 2017

Altai maral - Cervus elaphus sibiricus. Anyone who has ever seen him will not soon forget this proud and noble animal. These are large and strong animals: the growth of adult deer reaches 160 cm, weight - 300 - 350 kg.

Maral is one of the most unusual manifestations of Altai nature. It is known that for many centuries people used the blood of this noble animal as a therapeutic agent that strengthens the vitality of a person and delays old age.