Antler herbal tea
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It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic, vasodilating, tonic effects. Normalizes the activity of the urinary system with inflammation of the prostate gland and urethritis. Helps to restore male sexual activity. Helps strengthen the walls of capillaries, reduces their permeability.
Product SKU:
It is used as a stimulating and anti-inflammatory agent for inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis, adenoma, urethritis, impotence), female diseases (menopause syndrome), chronic alcoholism, and hypotension, increases blood pressure, with overwork, general weakness and poor appetite.
Product SKU:
It has a tonic and analgesic effect. Increases the body's defensive reactions, activates the metabolism in the brain tissue, acts anti-inflammatory with internal and local use, inhibits the growth of some tumors. Reduces arterial, venous pressure and blood sugar. Helps to eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the body.
Product SKU:
It normalizes blood sugar, improves vision, and is used to prevent overweight and diabetes. It has a bactericidal effect on the urinary organs.